Re: Physics of spray metal tooling

From: Bathsheba Grossman (
Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 09:12:14 EET

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 wrote:
> Their are a couple type of spray metal units on the market. The one I am most
> familiar with uses and electric arc produced between 2 electrodes. A feeding
> mechanism similar to a MIG welder feeds the kirksite or copper wire into the
> arc. Compressed air sprays then vaporized particles onto your workpiece. The
> effect is similar to spray painting out of a spray can.

This is what they call 'wire arc', then.

> You can actually
> spray your hand if you like (notice I said your hand 'not mine').

I was totally wondering this - now I wonder who'll be the first
performance artist to do their entire body. (Remember that Cadmus
picture "Gilding the Acrobat"?)

> It take a couple or 3 hours to get an 1/8 inch or so coating onto the part.

For how big a part would that be, roughly?

(I'm interested in this process as a way to create metal shells
directly on large foam forms shaped like sculpture, i.e. my aim would
be to use the sprayed object directly rather use it for a mold. I
know at least one person has used this method in the past (the name
escapes me), but I haven't yet located anyone who's doing it now.)

Bathsheba Grossman (831) 429-8224
Digital Sculpture

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