R: Rapid Prototype Sys at CR Fiat - Frascati and DXF & STL files

From: Vincenzo Fiasconaro (fiasconaro@frascati.enea.it)
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 16:49:13 EEST

I've found at CRE ENEA in Frascati (in an another division) an unit SLA
250/30 of 3D Systems Solid Imaging Company
and then I solved the problem of a free conversion STL --> DXF and
Best regards,
Vincenzo Fiasconaro

Ing. Vincenzo Fiasconaro
Centro Ricerche ENEA
via Enrico Fermi 27
00044 Frascati
tel 06 94005742
fax 06 94005334
E-mail fiasconaro@frascati.enea.it
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Warren Hill <75602.744@compuserve.com>
A: Vincenzo Fiasconaro <fiasconaro@frascati.enea.it>
Data: lunedì 11 ottobre 1999 18.25
Oggetto: Rapid Prototype Sys at CR Fiat - Frascati

Hello Mr. Fiasconaro,
Saw your note on file conversion and wondered if you have any Rapid
Prototype (SLA , SLS, or other)
systems installed at CR Fiat in Frascati? We trade used Rapid Prototype
systems, surplus RP resins,
and related equipment. I have spoken with Paolo Cappellaro in Torino on
occasion regarding the
systems there, but did not know if you maintain your own facility.
We'd be pleased to help with any RP system or resin needs or changes that
might arise.

Our latest availability list is copied below

Best Regards, Warren Hill
Commonwealth Trading Co., Inc.
+1.843.342.9208 - Voice
+1.843.342.9209 - Fax
P.O.Box 22709
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 29925,USA


For your reference, here is a list of currently available used RP systems:
  - SLA-250/40 - late 10/99
  - **DTM 2500PLUS, DTM 2500
  - Stratasys FDM-1600 (European Sys)
  - Helisys/LOM 1015, 2030, **2030-H available
  - Cubital/SGC 5600 - 1997 Unit, 3 months use
  - Acuta 2100 -
  - Sanders MM-II
  - ** SL 5170 Resin for SLA 250, 10/99
  - ** SOMOS 6120 for Solid State Laser SLA/EOS systems

Also available:
- *MCP-004 Vacuum Casting Sys w/Oven
- Ashby Cross GPFR 1000 Resin Proc. Sys. for Two Component Reactive
- Liquid Control Corp "Twinmixer II" Dispenser Value
- LDI 3500 Suyervor
- AMTI Zevatech Model CT 2000 robotic assem machine & Conveyor Tech auto
feed table
- Genrad GR 2280 CB test sys
- Dexon Laminar Flow vent hoods
- CGI RE-1000

For more information about the rp-ml, see http://ltk.hut.fi/rp-ml/

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