Different CAD/CAM packages for RP

From: Michael Dougherty (m.dougherty@acrtucson.com)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 00:13:27 EEST

Having become disillusioned with the package we were originally going
to use for a project, I am trying to round up a way to compare
packages which I have never used to determine which would be a good
replacement - anyone have any ideas for (preferably online)
information which would help?

The two biggest factors (surprise, surprise) are RP code generation
functionality and price. Most of the work is dedicated to creating
the mold for a part, rather than the code to cut the part itself.

Any and all help would be gratefully appreciated.

Mike D.

For more information about the rp-ml, see http://ltk.hut.fi/rp-ml/

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